1. Known since its inception, hence why improved cameras were brought to the game in 2011 to improve their accuracy, its always been known that they are only approx 95% accurate hence why the audio is also admissible in the same timefram. Next year real time Snicko will be introduced which will improve that area.
2. - don't see any relevance
3. - Not every human is the same!!! you will always have human error, more education on the technology and such will improve that.
4. yes it plays a part, no its not over and above your cricketing ability, that makes no sense whatsoever.
5. no it doesn't, where has that come from?
6. you're clutching at straws!
What you have seen I can only conclude is very limited quite frankly, don't take offence but i'm not convinced you actually watch much cricket at all outside some of the England games, as I say no offence intended but its how you have come across
Do the positive outweight the negatives, yes thus far since the DRS introduction it definately has and the statistics have proved that as we have seen the percentage of correct decisions being made increase to 95% so it must have a positive impact.
Wrong umpire decisions are not more palatable, watch more and you will see that. Like in football, a wrong decision can be a talking point rather than Marr a match, but has it actually looked like its changed the outcome, not really for me