I have mine set for motion detection on *but* no notifications for motion - not sure if thats a different setting as it's a pro? When someone hits the button the chime and my phone go right away,and I still have the recordings from any motion detected
I want motion notifications off (or my phone is buzzing all day) but I want motion recorded in the cloud. I only want notifications for the bell being rang.
I think someone confirmed hardwiring the power makes no difference?
It basically seems a bad product. Are there any other decent options out there that actually work?
Can't speak for the non pro version as I have the pro version. The motion trigger will record regardless of alert settings as they are individual to the mobile device being used. Also No issues whatsoever with the syncing of doorbell and chime in their ringing. Motion chime first as that is triggered initially and then the bell ring when pressed.
Strange, this is the basic functionality. How have you got it wired? Does it get enough power through? This has been the single most pain in the proverbial for me to get right. Once done though it has been rock solid
It's on battery power. The customer service rep assured me it functioned the same on battery and mains. I think someone else in this thread said it made no difference too.
Right now I can take this off my front door with minimal lasting damage, just 4 small holes. If I wire power through and it doesn't work, that's a different matter.
I never tried battery power with my Doorbell (which I still have) and got the hard wired option in as I was sold on the system and wanted the 1080 video. I will connect up the Doorbell over the weekend if I get time to try on battery power to see what it does. Hopefully someone else on here has one already setup this way.
If you do decide to get the hard wired option you won't regret it! Very, very pleased with the Pro version and a Chime - works brilliantly. Had to get a 12v transformer though which I am in the process of hiding in the Friedland doorbell plastic casing (now the Dremel has cut out the innards!).