I may just do that one day if you'll have me. I could take the misses and make an over night stay of it, you know how women like to nosey round a new town
The thing I'm struggling to come to terms with is how a small, comparatively bass free, cabinet free speaker can create a truly authentic sound. Clarity yes no doubt, but the real warmth true music requires, I'm unsure.
You're welcome anytime.
You are clearly an audio freak, like me.
I'd love to show you the Lyngdorf systems as I think they'll blow your mind and make you rethink a lot of what you know about audio. I have been doing this for a living for 20 years and that's exactly the effect it had on me.
I know there's a lot of hostility to the posts that I've put up but I think even the briefiest listen to a Lyngdorf 2.2 system will convince you that they have several core competancies that makes conventional systems seem very outdated. The problem is that none of them really address the affect of the room so are only ever dealing with half of the problem.
When I heard the fidelity of these systems it made me go back to grass routes and make me look at why other systems didnt sound anything like as accurate or natural, in spite of the fact that they were obviously using excellent components.
Enough talk. When are you going to put these claims to the test?
Please have a look here Rives Audio Home page to see more about how Rives Audio design rooms. Check out their examples.
I've worked with many room designers in the past but these guys have a process that is much more methodical than most. They also favour a more live room than most which is what I prefer espescially if room correction can be used.
Well when I was about 5 I was given a little one box record player. I only had 3 records but played them tirelessly trying to work out how the sound was created . At the age of about 8 my mother acquired an old Radiogram style thing. You know those big stereo pieces of furniture that took over a room. I remember thinking how wonderful it sounded and from them I was hooked. I got a large 80's style record/tape player with integrated tuner when I was about ten for my room. I remember thinking how well it sounded, but wanted to know why that radiogram sounded so much better. I kept that for a few years till the mid 90's when I funded a new midi system with 2 paper rounds and a milk round. I remember everyone thinking I was insane spending £500 of my pocket money on a stereo but thats how its always been. At 18 I bought my first surround system, a Kenwood series 21 effort, and a fine effort it was too. My mother has it now and it still sounds very good to this day . Without ever reading a magazine or going on internet forums (I frequented dealers and stores like comet etc), I added a DVD with on board decoding to upgrade from pro logic surround to DD5.1, then added my first Rel sub. This was a result of trying to get back to that bassy sound I used to hear from that Radiogram my mother had all those years ago. I replaced that with a Bose a few years later and replaced that with my current system after finding the online forums.
Does that make me a freak
Like I say it's not the Fidelity of the system I have any doubts about. I will be in touch if the misses fancies a day out sometime soon.
Those big old radiograms sounded great didn't they. I also had an old valve radio that sounded lovely. This sort of kit can sound lovely for some music but really doesnt work for me with home cinema as there are too many things that you are familiar with the sound of.
Yeah fantastic for music. They wouldnt work for movies I dont think, but the one we had was self contained anyway. You had a tuner and tape deck, but it was all about playing records to be honest.
I just came across this old thread I started years ago.
The main point I was trying to make was that great equipment doesn’t give great sound because of the huge changes the room makes.
Most people here will be aware of how critical video calibration is for picture quality. For surround sound measurement and correction, is also regarded as critical.
HiFi is supposedly more challenging but 10 years on there are virtually no hi end hifi shops that measure or correct the systems they recommend.
For a consumer looking for the best hifi sound they simply won’t find it in 99% of UK shops.
This is one of those chicken and egg situations. And the power of the mass market. Getting superb sound nowadays is just so much more affordable than ever in the history of mankind. Even shoddy Soundbars are capable of better sound than those radiograms.
For close to the ultimate sound experience, a 300 euro set of wired Headphones ,connected to a portable DAC, .
50 euro upwards, and fed via a usb ouput from a laptop running a CD or flac file.. No room, no loudspeaker compromises etc. Even better can be achieved using a better source.. sa SACD