I'm quite torn about this........on the one hand it goes against one of the main things I like about console gaming, the reassurance that there is no pressure to upgrade with everyone being on the same level playing field each generation, however.........
I'm very much in the camp that would sacrifice a bit of graphical detail to get a game running at 60fps, but so often a compromise is made and we get 30fps instead. If the Neo is able to take GTA5 for instance and via a patch get it running smoothly at 60fps, maybe adding in some upgraded anti-aliasing too, then I could be up for an upgrade. With the release of PSVR I'm expecting this to be a long generation, probably another good 5 years to come, so a one off upgrade might not be too painful to get a '1080p60 as standard' games machine.
I'm just hoping that there is some sort of sensible trade in program, giving them my 'old' PS4 plus £200 may just be OK for me. |