Square button for 'Controls' page
Select button to change the view
Triangle button for 'Options' menu
To change your ID, go Triangle>Identity>Change Donor Name
To change your team, go Triangle>Identity>Join an exisiting team (54579 for AVForums)
Basically, once you've dowloaded the software it starts automatically and is running immediately. You can start and stop it whenever you like.
Some cool visuals and it is really neat seeing the atoms in the proteins building on-screen.
The spinning globe is pretty cool too, but I cannot be so sure that so many PS3's in the UK are running Folding already are they??!
In the AVForums stats page only two people 'PS3' (ok, you didn't set your donor name!) and 'Stinja' had actually completed a work unit so far. Only 8 hours to go for me!
It's a good feature and I'll will run it every now and then...well done Sony!
Matt |