Don’t know why, they are an amazing source of mono-unsaturated fat, fibre, protein, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper etc etc etc. The only reason to limit your intake of them (above calorie intake) would be due to allergen or medical grounds.
Feeling great today (sunshine maybe???) been off the fags fully for 6 days, yesterday I was a little breathless a few times but could have been the damp weather
Today though am fine and in a great mood whereas sunday/monday was a struggling fight that I won.........
So I am feeling lots healthier, skin looks shinier, black eyecircles mostly gone
I can see myself heading off to join the gym/swim in another week
Got diagnosed with MS a few months back which gave me the kick up the arse I needed to start exercising.
Can't be bothered with going to the gym and running isn't for me so after a bit of digging around I started doing DDP Yoga - all through my phone / laptop and the only other equipment I needed was an 8 quid yoga mat.
Plenty of 13 week programs on there from starting off in bed, through to using a chair and onwards. I started off with the beginner 2.0 program and while it was hard work at the start as I got stronger and more flexible started adding in extra workouts.
So far I'm down about 18lbs, balance has improved and I'm sleeping better as well. On to the intermediate program and weirdly enjoying it.
The routines take from 20 minutes up to an hour and there is a free trial available.
So the impetus is back, negotiated a deal with leisure centre due to poor health I get £22 a month full membership and am not tied in to a 12 month contract
Just got to walk down in a bit with paperwork no hassle
Probably have a swim whilst there @shodan apart from the fitness it will also help fight anxiety by battling demons and actually going along
Good man, that's the spirit. If you can walk there and it's not costing you any more to go swimming etc, any reason why your went go at least 4 times a week? [emoji6]
No none at all once my arms grow up for it, last year did some swimming, chest was ok after 1st time but arms packed in after only 5 lengths day 3 day 5....... will give it 2 swims per week first month or two and do a day on the bikes and also take different routes walking...... it is literally only 7-10 minutes on a straight road away
GP has given me some stretching excercises to do and insists I do a bit more moving today....... just happened council text to offer fitness deal at 8 am today too
I am a firm believer in signs