My profile pic on here is me in my 'bigger' days
I actually can't find one normal photo of me on Facebook... I really should have kept a photo diary of my progress! 
Here's one of a severely hungover me, rocking a large generic tshirt from Burtons and 40" jeans!
I've always been brutally disappointed with my traps. I've tried, 'Operation phase out neck' several times, but my traps just seem to grow out the back, rather than up the neck. They only get marginally 'taller' but they get a lot thicker.
I was even doing sumo-deadlifts to try and give myself better traps.
My shoulders aren't as thick as that anymore! They look scrawny in comparison. Was using strongman logs to do shoulder press & push press. They're great for building strength, especially when doing clean and jerks.
I think my maximum push press was about 130-140KG? Only managed a few of those before I was blowing out of my arse. My bench was a consistent 120KG to boot. Managed to blast out 140KG for a 1RM.
I didn't need complete upper body strength, since most of the work was done on my legs while playing rugby. I think my weight contributed to the fact I could 'BOOM' through people! I was less about hand offs and more about the 'trucking' 
I did stiff-arm quite a few boys, especially when running up the wings or through the middle. That's always a good laugh.
I remember in one game, for a bit of a laugh, the coach stuck me on the wing... Now, I think I was just a touch under 16st then... And my opposing winger was a thin lad, probably around 12 stone. I boomed him off me so much, that he had to swap places with the centre.
I got a bit carried away that day, and I boomed my own full-back out the way to catch a clearing kick. Then I ran from my 22 all the way up to their 5. Knocking 4 boys out my way and the only way they got me down was when I had 3 lads hanging off me and then one eventually high-tackled me from behind - While trying to rip my jaw off!! 
The referee let it slide.. Which I wasn't too happy about. But after we got the try, the boys came over and started cheering me, saying that was the best show of insanity they've ever seen! 
They were calling me Jambo Lomu from then on in! 
I do miss rugby. I can't commit to the game anymore. I can maybe make training some days, but I can't be consistent at the weekends, because I usually work them. So I can never say, "Stick me on the team sheet." because if I have to bail, for work, they'll eventually get ****** off at me. |