Je suis un pensionnaire 
Though it is in the manifesto for now. And as such is being discussed in the media (and eagerly picked up by other parties)
Not wanting to digress too far on this, it was just given as one example of three where they may have made a manifesto commitment too far for their voter base.
Drop pension triple lock
Social care costs taking away inheritances (already one U-Turn)
Means test Winter Fuel payment
Any of the above on their own could change voting preference, all three together can be perceived as a concerted attack on Pensioners. And no party, Tory or Labour has ever tried that before.
I have seen speculation that the Tory aim of this is too deliberately loose the election to not to have to deal with Brexit negotiations. While I wouldn't endorse that viewpoint they are certainly taking some very strange manifesto policy commitments impacting mainly on their largest voter base. |