Absolute nonsense.
Confederate statues are being removed for two reasons.
1. They celebrate men who tried to destroy the United States. Men who were traitors. In 1776, a statue of King George III was pulled down in New York, This was done, not to destroy history but to signify that subjugation by a remote monarch had ended and the new Republic was the future. These statues openly celebrate an attempt to dissolve the Union by force for no higher objective than protecting big Southern business interests which relied on free slave labour.
Even Robert Lee, the famous Confederate General did not agree with erecting confederate statues. He refused to attend ceremonies for such statues including his own and refused to be buried in his uniform. He thought such statues were open sores to war and that seeing them everyday kept the reasons for war in the front of minds. He accepted the South had lost and the way forward was to unite with the North and work hard to make the Union work. This attitude is badly needed today.
2. Many of the statues are not historic. They were erected in the mid 20th Century. Partly to celebrate Confederate Leaders but also as open symbols that the views of these men and the ideals of the confederacy were still alive and well. This was done to dissuade black people from settling in towns, to make them uncomfortable, and as a covert sign they were not welcome. They are literal and well as figurative symbols of oppression.
The statues are also in prominent positions in town square and outside city halls. They are in positions of grandeur as though the men and ideal represented are somehow to be glorified and celebrated by the entire community when they are exact opposite especially in black majority towns.
Removing these statues does not destroy history. Germany does not permit or have Hitler statues but no Germans have forgotten their nation's part in WWII or the atrocities committed. We don't have Guy Faulkes on one of the plinths in Trafalgar Square do we? There are also things called books and museums although I expect the alt-right and facist *****s are strangers to both. |