What is Guardian Media Group’s tax position?
Guardian Media Group has business operations in the UK, US and Australia. The Group’s assets are held entirely by companies in these countries and are fully subject to prevailing tax laws and regulations. The Group also has a UK endowment fund which holds a mixture of UK and non-UK assets and is fully subject to UK tax laws and regulations.
Unless of course your a spectator reader
Editorship of The Spectator has often been a step on the ladder to high office in the Conservative Party in the UK !!!
The media regulator has found that Channel 4 News seriously breached the broadcasting code by naming the wrong man as the Westminster terror attacker, and has heavily criticised the programme for a string of major mistakes in recent years.
“This is the fourth time in three years we have found Channel 4 in breach of its requirement to report news with due accuracy,” said Ofcom. “We are particularly concerned that another serious breach has happened, given Channel 4’s previous assurances to Ofcom that improvements to its compliance processes were being made. Considering the seriousness of this breach, we are requiring Channel 4 News to air a summary of our breach decision.”
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Whoops there goes that credibility. I guess you’ve never looked into who or what is behind the guardian and how the GMG and Scott Trust are managing their tax affairs.
Blimey you fell hook line and sinker for their pr.
Remember there are people behind it. They are all in it for something.
I do hate them for their significant role in dumbing down the world/country ... again, there's my elitism
- also includes their TV counterparts ... Jeremy Kyle, Big Brother, BGT, TVam/GMTV/GMB, Channel 5, The One Show, etc.