Just for you Alan (even though I chose my words specifically for ironic effect with regards to reading age reflecting the difference between the Sun and the Times for example) :
It's more a desperation to retain some sense that the world hasn't ended and we aren't existing in a quasi upturned kafka-esk nightmare where authority has been replaced by fake news driven polemic opinions that seek to cause any attempt at reason to be thwarted and followed by ever more dilution of any shared context, understanding or sense of a basal reality.
as dumned down as I can make it:
I fear that I might be in a bad dream where some 'thing' is changing the rules of the game we are all playing so that what ever you do you loose. The 'thing' is not really a thing at all, it's the lack of any 'thing' acting like a referee or a judge setting the rules of the game. We all make up our own rules as we go along because that is what people seem to feel is what they want.
The game makes no sense unless you stop trying to make sense of it.
a simplified middle of the road translation:
It's more a desperation to retain some sense that the world hasn't ended and we aren't existing in a nightmare that is like having some authority or agency designed system that purposefully makes the process of communicating valid or good information and ideas harder and more convoluted simply to frustrate(1). In this case though, the authority or agency is in fact the move towards a lack of any authority or controlling agency(2) by an apparent lack of willingness by everyone or anyone to accept or accredit any one system of rules or authority.
This gives the appearance of a force or agency directing change but there is no agency or force(3) in any tangible sense(3).
We started with religion and ideological control of facts and evidence in an absolute sense. If we wanted to make sense of the world, the church provided answers and direction.
Then we discovered science and the scientific method. That changed the way we view and evaluate the world and how evidence is weighed and valued. It also removed the idea of absolutes and replaced it probabilities, nothing is absolutely certain, but we can be pretty damn sure if the criteria are met.
Now however, we seem to be moving somewhat away from valuing the scientific method as being the defined 'standard' of establishing truth. Moving into a post modern world where an individuals sense of reality and truth is given as much credit and validity as facts and evidence established by the scientific method.(4)
In this post modern world, we are returning to a more ideological and belief based sense of reality, but without the generally agreed authority of one dominant religion to oversee and arbitrate what is and what is not the truth. Some would like to think and feel that means we are taking the best of both, but I strongly suspect that it is in fact leading to the sum of their weaknesses and failures.
The results in my view are having moved away somewhat from the Mary Whitehouse and Victorian moral standards dictating what we can and can't do or say for a brief period in history, we are moving back towards it but with the additional issues of having a multitude of other Morality controlling agencies attemping to dictate how we should live our lives.
No longer have we just to put up with the prurient morality police wanting to stop us watching anything remotely sexual or offencive to their beliefs, but we also have groups wanting to force us into treating everything equally even when they are scientifically proven to not be.
If we don't agree with them, we are immoral, sinners or racists, bigots and part of the white male privileged Patriarchy.
(1)Kafka-esk bit
(2)Upturned bit
(3)Quasi bit
(4) the dilution of any sense or standards of basal reality(5)
(5) the accepted or agreed frame work of what is real and how we go about establishing it. No agreed frame work = no possibility of establishing what is agreed to be true in any comparative sense. |