The current Government appears unable to agree on a common position on Brexit, so it's not going to be done right at this point, unless they somehow find a common position that doesn't split the Tory Party (it's not impossible, just incredibly difficult). Again if you want Brexit to succeed then you need some kind of deal with the EU to give breathing space to figure out where the UK is going (yes we are leaving the EU, but where do we go after that ?). I see a lot of talk about Brexit, but precious little on how various long term problems are going to be resolved. Be it infrastructure or the inequalities that helped the Leave side win Brexit. Once we are out of the EU and trade between the UK and EU is settled, and if we've done nothing to fix the UK's problems then I wouldn't want to be an MP. As all that fury will be directed at Westminster. Brexit means Politicians can no longer kick issues into the long grass. Indeed a clever Politician would probably try and sell Brexit as a package i.e. This is how we are leaving the EU, this is the trading relationship and this is how I want to change society going forward.
I firmly believe we need to devolve power away from Westminster and into the big cities and regions as a way of keeping the UK intact. Otherwise, the SNP will probably take advantage of any short to medium term brexit problems to win independence. |