And if that open door uncontrolled immigration had been predominantly of Jewish people, would it:
a) be ok to try to explain that reaction from people, as Sonic and Cliff appear to be doing, or
b) be wrong to say it in the way both Sonic and Cliff have put it?
Would a) be considered anti-semitic?
I'm not sure, hence I pose the question.
Tangent alert:
I get that people out there think in the way that Cliff and Sonic are putting it, but I don't agree with it. Blackgryphon would surely say that it's down to the individual to improve themselves. Blaming others for their own situation is not right. Whereas I'd say it's symptomatic of the capitalist system we live in, with corporations ever-increasingly beholden to the stock markets and their investors to give greater returns on investment, and to deliver ever greater growth year-on-year. A cleaner is paid a poor wage not because of mass immigration but because they are subcontracted to a subcontractor of a company that needs to deliver more for less, because that's what's demanded of them. And what's a company's biggest cost? Labour. And people in these types of jobs are just more vulnerable and more poorly protected or looked out for than those higher up the food chain.
But that's a tangent and topic for another thread  |