then they switched to that fake Islamic scholar Mo Ansar, until he was rumbled (eventually ending up regularly on the least discerning RT doing manufactured face-offs with Katie Hopkins)
Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit attention or consideration? No. Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars? Nope. Does he have any Islamic qualifications or credentials? None whatsoever. So what gives him the right to pontificate on Islam, British Muslims or "the hellfire"? Or proclaim himself a "sharia judge"?
He's a decent rabble rouser like Tommy Robinson but that's it. He seemed to have become some kind of go to rent-a-quote to get people shouting at the TV.
I really wished TV and radio dispensed with all these rent-a-gobsh*tes/'scholars'/'social commentators' ... the Hopkins, the Smurthewaites, the Epsteins, the Ansars, the Dewberrys et al.