This is the problem with people whose minds and outlook fit with the left side of politics.
Its "them".
There is us, this "collective" / real people bla bla
Against the "authority" the police, the royal family, politicians, bankers/finance people
All plotting a scheming / conspiring against me. Only about lining their own pockets.
I've had family members who were involved in politics.
They were shouted at whilst shopping, sent death threats in email. Stalked.
Yet the small minded unwashed masses believe everyone in public service is in it for nefarious pocket lining purposes.
I have no idea why anyone would do it (enter politics), given what the ungrateful unwashed masses think of them.
Psst. Clue, they aren't all out to get you. The sky won't fall down if Brexit happens 
Bill Gates isn't losing sleep over Brexit. Doesn't need it to make any money.
Bankers aren't "all the rich" Many other rich people won't be caring about your war against Brexit.
Sigh. Silly. |