How does a conspiracy theory become a fact?
What that Aaron Banks is bankrolling this? That large media organisations are helping disseminate the Brexit agenda? Which one of those two points is a theory, never mind a conspiracy. Aaron Banks is not (any longer because of the weight of evidence) denying bankrolling Brexit. You can see what's in the papers and on the BBC (Question time is interesting because it always "seems" to have a mojority Brexit audience even if the panel is remain.)
Some rich people may not benefit, if they just hold their money in sterling and it tanks, then they will lose a proportion of their wealth... The will probably lose more money than any not rich people - inflation will cause more issue for people with less money than anything else....
You can't lose what you haven't got...
And as has already been explained to you, the people making the gains are offset by others making a loss - its essentially a bet...
Why does dividing it by the number of contributors matter?
If me and 9 other people pay a total of £5000 to the EU
Why does
if me and 99 other people pay a total of £5000 to the EU
So as individuals we contribute a 10th per person. Who cares? The EU is still receiving that amount from the UK!
This seemingly more up to date info puts us 5th. But again, position doesn't matter. We pay into the EU, end of.