Blair knows what the outcome of a non-brexit would be, he's politically astute enough not to spell it out. I think people forget that Blair is a master of letting interviewers put him in a blind spot so it looks like he doesn't have any answers or doesn't understand. If he'd spelled out what non-brexit looks like he'd likely unite brexiteers and remainers against him.
His real motivation for coming back into domestic politics is about forging a new political party, I think he expects Labour and the Tories to be broken by Brexit. Spelling out what a non brexit would look like is not in Blair's game plan. Write Blair off at your own peril.
This book highlights it all and how close May has come to being toppled at various points since the election. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B071HSRCLJ/ref=oh_aui_d_detailpage_o02_?ie=UTF8&psc=1 |