Thanks for the confirmation of what I've previously read elsewhere. I've also read statements around immigration etc suggesting that the UK Government is free to enforce more stringent immigration rules but chooses not too rather than being forced to by the EU. Are there any strong examples where the EU has overruled UK laws/Government?
That's a beautiful statement and, in the case of personal relationships, I would agree wholeheartedly. However, this is something that impacts an entire country and generations to come (including my own children) so I'd rather have something more behind the decision than following a hunch. Again, out of my own interest, are you also as passionate for your home country to leave the EU or just the UK? I understand if you'd rather not answer, just something that I've asked other people I work with (I work for a global multi-national with a cross-section of nationalities) and have never really got a straight answer to. |