I purchased a Nook colour from the classifieds section here on the forums. I wanted an ereader, but was torn between the Nook colour and the Kindle 3 both had their advantages and disadvantages. The major problem for me with the Nook colour was getting shipped to me from America.
Checked the forums here and found a kindle 3 for sale and a nook colour, so I let fate make my choice and would purchase whichever one was still available, that turned out to be the nook, and I am delighted with it.
It's like a cross between an Ipad and a Kindle. Not as big or as heavy as the ipad, but has more functionality than the kindle. I rooted mine when I got it with cyanogenmod 7 and I have the kindle reader app installed for books. It's great with PDFs and comics, and with all the upgrades made with the modders it is brilliant for watching movies and browsing the internet.
But, back to the main use of this for me, how good is it as an ereader? I have read a few books on my brothers sony ereader that has the eink screen and that has been easy to read, and at the other end of the scale I have also used an Ipad for a while. Also I had the same concerns as other people about the lcd screen tiring my eyes etc. Well, I am delighted to say that the nook colour is a joy to read on. I read for about 4 hours last night, not once did my eyes get tired, I just forgot completely that I was reading on an ereader and got totally absorbed in the book.
Ok, what has this got going for it that makes it such a good ereader? Well for start its pretty light, maybe not quite as light as the kindle, but, it's easy to hold in one hand and read. I read mainly at night in bed, it's so much easier to lie on your side and read with this than any book I have ever had. Also since it has a backlight I can read in the dark without upsetting the person sleeping next to me
You can change between different background colours and text colours which make it even easier to read from. Moving from page to page is fast, just a flick of my thumb on the screen and the next page is there. The 7inch IPS display is just a perfect size for reading books 
There are disadvantages to the nook colour over here of course. You would have to root it to make full use of it. It's pretty easy to do, but, still a lot of people want something that works right out of the box and this level of tinkering might put them off. Another disadvantage is the fact that it's hard to read the screen in direct sunlight, to some people this might be an issue, but, I rarely read outside so it's a not a problem. And as I said earlier, it's a little bit heavier than the kindle, which again, might be a problem for some people.
For me the postives out weigh the negatives, It's a fantastic ereader and when your finished reading and want to take a break, you can play some angry birds or maybe read some work documents, or even watch a movie, and to do all these things on the one device, well, it's just so damn nice.
I would have no hestitation recommending one to anyone, and that's just from an ereading point of view. It's way better than the ipad for reading on!! |