To me they are two different products. The iPad for internet browsing, games and Comics, and the Kindle for books. I only read a book on the iPad for the book club thing as it was 70p, I doubt I would have bothered with an electronic version for £6 - I personally did not buy the iPad with books in mind.
Although I read a whole book on the ipad, it is too heavy? for comfortable reading - this sounds weird as I type it as most of my books are hardbacks and so probably weight the same, but its the way in which you hold the iPad that makes it different for this purpose. The difference is slight, and could change over repeated use though.
The iPad backlight, which although did not make any differenece to me during the book I read, could be a problem to me after reading a few books - again it would require repeated testing.
I have had the kindle tucked in my bag for reading on the tube, something I would not do with the iPad either. I dont know if this is a cost thing - the Kindle is a sixth of my iPad, but possibly size comes into it as well.
I dont think I am getting my point across - but if I have a spare £100, or get it as a present, I would be very happy and not think 'why do I need this, I have an ipad' at all, and if you gave me both, with identical books loaded on it to read (ignoring the iPads obvious other versitle points) I would probably choose the kindle. |