My personal view; in principle, I can see no reason why this is a 'bad' thing to have fitted to your car. As others have mentioned, the system should be completely transparent to drivers who already anticipate, react in good time, leave plenty of distance in front, etc.
Its ok to say that the technology is relatively immature but for me that's irrelevant; if it is currently being marketed as a safety feature and fitted to cars being sold today, then manufacturers should already be able to prove that AEB is as infallible and reliable as ABS and other driving aids.
At the same time however, I'm strongly against 'convenience' systems that dilute basic driving skills that all drivers should be able to demonstrate. Automatic parking technology is one of my personal pets hates; if people (excluding someone whom may be medically impaired), don't have the skills to position their car into a space without damaging it then they probably shouldn't hold a licence.
There is a balance to be struck between a 'last line of protection' and an over-reliance on automation that results in drivers believing that the on-board technology will always save the day. The aviation world is littered with examples of accidents where over-reliance on systems designed to ease workload and improve safety - has resulted in diminished basic flying skills, a lack of situational awareness and has ultimately contributed to the accident itself.
Obviously motor vehicle are far less complex, but there are parallels - especially with more and more 'smart' technology being introduced. |