Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:39
Funny, it doesn't matter for this one but it does matter for others. Funny that.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:39
You have lost me?Not hard really, I think I have just lost the will to live with it all now.
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:40
Not sure either...
Anway, it seems to me that the Bottom line is:
Lots of people who voted for Remain still want to Remain and the petition reached the 100,000 to get it debated in Parliament.
Lots of people who voted Remain in London congregated in London to remind us they still think that way.
The support for Remain hasn't dwindled.
Have I left anything out?
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:41
Take care guys.
A 77-year old women's activities is not something to get hot under the collar about.
Such a little thing triggering such frustration and anger shows the political situation is hotting up.
Remember it's a good idea to stand back after someone lights the blue touchpaper.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:41
No, I am quite confident that I am neither bigoted nor as it happens remotely concerned about ingratiating myself with the sort of person who thinks poverty and mental health issues amongst other things are partly if not fully a 'choice'.
Given that I have a compulsion to avoid being misunderstood, misjudged and essentially the desire to be liked or respected as part of the pathology of my illness and mental state, it is quite a badge of honor, depending on your particular slant, to make the extremely short and highly select list of names of which who's opinion of my character I couldn't give a tinkers cuss.
So pop that in your pipe, light it up and smoke away 
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:42
Perhaps one day you may read back and look in horror at the descriptions youve attached to a whole cohort of people indiscriminately.
No idee which person you are referring to above either. Because if you think that is me then you have bigger issues than you realise. Feel free to find some evidence for that accusation if you have any sanity left.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:44
Spurious claims of bigotry? Dude, read you own post...You state that it is funny to people who are not racists or biggots that judge people on the basis of their skin colour or where they were born or their beliefs...
You said that, it was about Brexit but you choose to take it down this path...Sad...
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:45
Just to be absolutely clear, I have broken down what I said in blue with comments and where the clauses begin and end as well as indented to help indicate the nesting of the statements:
it would be both a serious crime/terrible act,
but also at the same time
pretty bloody funny
*(if it's restricted to testicles and bums)
to a lotof people who are not {Clause}
racists or biggots that judge people on the basis of their skin colour or where they were born or their beliefs "
{End Clause}
... just on the absolute omni shambles they created and aren't fixing{End Clause}And without the comments and clauses:
"it would be both a serious crime/terrible act, but also at the same time pretty bloody funny*(if it's restricted to testicles and bums) to a lot of people who are not racists or biggots that judge people on the basis of their skin colour or where they were born or their beliefs ... just on the absolute omni shambles they created and aren't fixing"
If that still reads to you as being bigoted then see my previous comments on how much credence I give to them.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:46
Seriously dude, you got some serious issues. Yes it does read you to be bigoted, as has been your behaviour on these threads.
Guess you also haven’t found any evidence backing up your claim regarding the points you made to me earlier.
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:46
Then I'll leave it up to you to imagination(to which you seem to have a vivid, surreal and bizarreabundance of with regards to my thoughts and opinions) where and how I think you should go 
Note: this is because I believethat in this case it is you with the serious 'issues'* not I.
* acting out of all proportion to reality.