Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:49

Don't be an arse. Perhaps time to go to bed, and stop pretending you know better what others think.

Uplift Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:49

Being completely honest, I've lost interest.. what will be, will be.

If I had a choice, I'd follow the outcome of the vote and leave, I don't care much for politics, but I do believe if we're living in a democracy then it should be honoured, otherwise what's the point?

If the public were misinformed, lied to or given incorrect information then it is the parties that failed, not the public.

I live in a very strong leave area, and I don't think many have changed their mind.

weaviemx5 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:50

I wasn't being an arse, I wouldn't ever consider that but it's your choice to feel that way.Which part of my post was incorrect as you've stated your position a number of times?

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:50

That just clearly demonstrates that you really don't pay attention.

weaviemx5 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:50

I honestly thought my summary fitted what you've said over the long Brexit road?You would have voted Leave if you could but, as time has gone and the Government has shown a clear failure to plan, you would now support revoking A50 and remaining in the EU until such time as a plan was formulated.

EarthRod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:51

Unfortunately - no.

Yet again the poll is coloured by the agenda of the originator.

In addition, like many other polls, this has been personalised with the use of 'I' and 'we'.

Too many choices makes the poll cluttered.

Polls should be formatted to account for people like me: stupid, slow, ignorant, easily confused and no time for faffing about with politics and going on marches waving placards.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:51

It might be better to not have the Remain option be insulting to Remain supporters.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:51

Except if you voted for anything other than I want another referendum, Don't know, or Something else, you have already technically told a lie 

nheather Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:51

Not sure if this is genuine or a parody.



nheather Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:51

Yesterday I read that although the UK can unilaterally revoke Article 50 and remain in Europe there are some conditions.Although the UK will for the very most part retain the same terms they will not be allowed to invoke Article 50 again.It reasonably expalined that it was to stop the UK from using it to buy time, but equally it made no mention of how long that restriction would last.In fact, whether true or not, it gave the impression that it was a lock in - “you have had your one chance”.

I mention this because the last two but one Poll options include “may want to leave in future” and that may not be a valid option.


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