Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:34

Let's face it, most would do that when they are found out. Then delete the posts. Easy, and more palettable than the obvious.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:35

Utter bullsh*t.

The likes of Viktor Orban support the EU as a means to keep Europe white and Christian and want to keep the world outside away.

If I were racist, supporting immigration of mainly white Europeans would be preferable to that from elsewhere.

It's absolutely not racist to support ending freedom of movement and having the same opportunities for people to immigrate regardless of their nationality.

Pacifico Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:36

Oh I'm quite certain three months ago someone hacked her account, and she only noticed the post when the Sun pointed it out a couple of days ago.

Nothing to see here, that's perfectly reasonable.

Of course.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:36

So what ?

She's 77, not running for office, not collecting donations, running or managing a campaign.

She made some comments about or in response to using paint ball guns to be modified to hurt a lot more in order to shoot politicians in the testicles.
Whether she was actually deadly serious or just having some fun expressing what she'd and others would like to do is a matter of subjective interpretation and opinion.

If she really was serious about it and actually had any intention of attacking politicians .... it would be both a serious crime/terrible act, but also at the same time pretty bloody funny*(if it's restricted to testicles and bums) to a lot of people who are not racists or biggots that judge people on the basis of their skin colour or where they were born or their beliefs ... just on the absolute omni shambles they created and aren't fixing 

* I am not advocating it or saying it's right ... just funny.

blackrod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:37

So what?

Because the likelihood she was actually hacked are remote. If it's just harmless as you say, why would she lie about it? I await the police and Facebook investigations with interest. Spoiler alert : they won't happen, because she wasn't hacked three months ago.

And how would your side be reacting if someone in the public eye as a leave supporter said something like this? Don't bother answering that. The blatant misquotes of reasonable statements that your side continue to make show this clearly.

She made herself a public figure by leading a petition.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:37

Wow just wow, don't hold back and show you bigoted true colours TB .

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:38

Dont see why as it shows that the people can enact democratic change if they so wish.

says the man who is trying to restrict us to an immigration policy that favors white europeans rather than have a level playing field based on ability for all the races of the world...//

blackrod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:38

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:39

Who cares who made the petition? If it wasn't some 77 year old woman it would have been somone else. Anyone can create one.
We are seriously getting to the point where nothing can be debated anymore.

EarthRod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:55:39

Wow, you seem to be proud of your bigoted views as well. Oh dear oh dear.
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