Lance Armstrong, is the truth about to out ?
"The only physical evidence here is the hundreds of controls I have passed with flying colours. I made myself available around the clock and around the world. In-competition. Out of competition. Blood. Urine. Whatever they asked for I provided. What is the point of all this testing if, in the end, USADA will not stand by it?" Click to expand... Lance Armstrong to be stripped of Tour de France titles and banned for life as he gives up fight over drug charges - TelegraphI don't see how they can strip him of his titles if there is no evidence other than hearsay?
Or is there evidence?No-one AFAIK has ever proved that he was taking anything, so what is this all based on? Yes I don't like the fact that he has been tested more than 500 odd times and yet because some other people say he was cheating he is deemed to have cheated.
I don't condone any kind of cheating in pro sports but I would like to see a fair trial and at least some photo evidence or something more solid than statements from 10 people who were in the firing line just before they thought they should actually rat on someone else to save themselves. Look cyclists have been doping themselves up for donkeys years. They are all at it been at it and will continue at it. No smoke without fire and all that personally they should just let everyone do what they want and then may the best roids win That's exactly how it seems to me.That the evidence has come from those who have been caught bang to rights and are being spiteful and vindictive in some vain attempt to rehabillitate themselves.
I have read many articles today from many different sources and not one of them has actually said what this 'conclusive evidence' is.
It can't be positive testing, because they would have come right out and said it.
What gets me is that they keep samples for years and in LA's case decades and even though the anti-doping technology is racing ahead at an incredible pace, they still can't show that his early samples are doped.The implication is that LA's doping was so advanced that even a decade later, the anti-doping people have not caught up.It all sounds like utter tosh to me.Pure spiteful vindictive persecution for reasons that are only apparent to the pack that are intent on hunting him down.
Put up or shut up, for goodness sake.To destroy a man, his life, his achievements, his future, his past without putting forward rock solid evidence is a disgusting way to carry on.
The evidence, right now, or leave him in peace. So, what you are saying is that LA should be stripped of all his TdF titles, but no-one should be awarded them retrospectively because there are no clean candidates? That's what could happen but the USADA kangaroo court dont have that authority thankfully, it is only the UCI that do and i cannot see them stripping him of the titles as who are they going to give them to when most of the competitors have not had the same scrutiny or in some case have admitted to doping  If he'd have sat on a drawing pin he could have gotten away with it He has been stripped if the titles which will forever cloud his legacy.
Don't know I'd they have been awarded to anyone else though most likely they will be
The main issue with LA os that when he was cycling he ****** ALOT of people off intentionally and unintentionally. He's not a loved figure ESP from that era within cycling like he is outside.
End of the day the doping agency even back then suspected he was juicing with the right stuff to remain hidden. They've long suspected him as well as other riders. So if xyz dealer/racer has come out and said he juiced up on this combination of drugs which I saw/supplied to him then why can't they go back and test his samples for those drugs I don't kniw Is this for certain, do you have a link?
One other thing
People asking for proof etc. this is an on going investigation and releasing evidence may compromise investigations into other people too.