Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:04
I have been a massive LA fan!!! I so wanted to believe but I'm afraid by not answering this case in a tribunal he has pushed me towards believing the worst.
We know lance is a fighter - he had to fight this so I could still believe. This is his legacy!! Now the trial by media will continue and we will never have the chance for it to be heard in a proper tribunal!!!
The power of denial is so very powerful but can only sustain so long!!!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:05
Ben - look up "House on un American Activities".
You will find the name McCarthy there and this is precisely the same tactics that  used .
The US political system supports these kinds of witch hunts and, as others have pointed out, the old samples would have shown up drugs used at the time using modern testing.
Add to that the old trick "We will release the evidence later" which they never do and it is McCarthyism all over.
Plus the TdF is outside their jurisdiction but that still claim to take the decision.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:06
Your analogy with McCarthy-ism is spot on.Let rip with accusations, claim there is evidence that will be released at some stage, destroy the reputation and then quietly walk away.I hope that those with sense in the US will prosecute the whole anti-doping establishment for this massive abuse of power.Put up all the evidence now or shut up - it really is that simple
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:07
Haven't they got proof that he had EPO viablood products in his system. ???
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:08
Oh don't worry....Bruyneel et al. have decided to proceed to arbitration. We will hear the evidence - Armstrong can't run from that.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:09
I think the whole thing on both sides is very poor!! Cycling has a terrible reputation for doping. Lance Armstrong needed to be cleaner than clean. What was he doing giving money to the UCI!! Why was he that poorly advised? It's things like that that make me annoyed!!! On the other side - why strip him of the titles without presenting the evidence? I know there are other investigations ongoing - so wait for those verdicts then present the evidence!! Why leave the process up for so much criticism!! No one has come out of this with any dignity. Cycling and the authorities that police it are back in the gutter!!!!
Like I say I was a fan - now I am just really annoyed!! Why not fight!!! Everything's lost now anyway!!!
I know the tests were clean but lately that is not much reassurance!!! one of the articles mentioned US sprinter Marion jones who passed 200 tests and then confessed to doping through out!!!
Lance should have fought it for the fans!!!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:10
The presentation of evidence is what Armstrong wishes to avoid. USADA would welcome the chance to present its case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. We will get to hear it in a roundabout fashion because others accused along with Armstrong have opted for arbitration.
By waiving his right to a hearing Armstrong condemns himself. USADA is the relevant anti-doping organisation and has the right to strip an athlete of titles (with the UCI giving formal notice of this).
The McCarthy comparisons are nonsensical. CAS is no kangaroo court.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:11
Oddly, I'd just been reading about this guy recently: Christophe Bassons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:12
Yeah I heard someone talking about him on radio 5 live! Why was Armstrong harassing people like him!! Armstrong should have been whiter than white!!!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:32:12
Yep. Driven out of the sport for being clean. And Armstrong was one of those who put the boot in.