That's exactly how it seems to me. That the evidence has come from those who have been caught bang to rights and are being spiteful and vindictive in some vain attempt to rehabillitate themselves.
I have read many articles today from many different sources and not one of them has actually said what this 'conclusive evidence' is.
It can't be positive testing, because they would have come right out and said it.
What gets me is that they keep samples for years and in LA's case decades and even though the anti-doping technology is racing ahead at an incredible pace, they still can't show that his early samples are doped. The implication is that LA's doping was so advanced that even a decade later, the anti-doping people have not caught up. It all sounds like utter tosh to me. Pure spiteful vindictive persecution for reasons that are only apparent to the pack that are intent on hunting him down.
Put up or shut up, for goodness sake. To destroy a man, his life, his achievements, his future, his past without putting forward rock solid evidence is a disgusting way to carry on.
The evidence, right now, or leave him in peace. |