Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:52
So everybody using a FF DSLR look silly then? 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:52
Carrying two huge lenses if not more when sight seeing or going to 3rd grade sports day etc yes pretty much.
Just ask your wife and children and look at them when they respond.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:53
Phew, thank goodness I only took one big lens to Donington last week, I would’ve hated to have looked silly 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:53
You went there for the photos though didn’t you? I think we are talking cross purpose here.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:53
I'm worried now, no-one told me I looked silly with my D750 as a non-pro sightsetting photographer!I feel well...silly now, I didn't realise I was embarrassing everyone around me.
I do have m4/3 and APS-C mirrorless setups but by the time I've added a lens to the bodies, I don't find there's much practical difference in size and weight plus the Sony's in particular can be badly unbalanced with their tiny bodies paired up to massive lenses.I do like the RX100m4 as my compact option and toying again with an RX10m4 even though the m2 hasn't worked out for me but ultimately I don't find going smaller than the D750 is worth the tradeoff for my use.I still end up using a similar backpack (whereas the RX100 will fit in a small pocket) and aside from video, the D750 is just such a superb camera.
I feel comparisons with lenses like the Nikon F2.8 zooms are unfair because with a FF DSLR you already have a one or two stop advantage on the sensor so micro 4/3 and e-mount lenses can't match that anyway.If you're at the point you *need* an F2.8 lens on a FF sensor then a smaller sensored camera is likely not to be much use at all.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:54
Lol so it is only fair to compare when using inferior smaller lenses on full frame cameras.
But hey don’t take my word for it. Just ask your wife and children what they honestly think  mine were only honest after I downsized as family and friends are nice like that 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:55
Possibly tbh, although some would class the Donington event as a 3rd rate sports event. Also, if I'm going sight seeing then I'm generally going to take photos too. That being said, most of my sight seeing pics are taken with the Olympus but that's mainly to save on hand luggage weight and the benefit if IBIS. I take whatever gear is the best for the situation to deliver the results that I want and have never considered what I looked like 
But my posts have been banter/pulling your leg anyway 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:55
Did I say 3rd rate? I meant third grade like in school at sports day. You know embarrassing dad 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:55
Isn't getting the shot you want far more important than what you look like?  A couple of months back I was seriously close to pulling the trigger on the A7Riii to reduce a bit of bulk (amongst other things) and when I was looking at them my wife commented on what a silly little camera that looked. Would it have stopped me buying it? Nope, not for one second.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:56
Ahh OK you did, just my interpretation. You see I don't have kids so not familiar with those terms 