Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:57
Ps. I go out with my medium format cameras as well. So fully agree with the best tool for the job 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:58
No, it's only fair to compare equivalent lenses - you mentioned the 24-70mm and 70-200mm F2.8 lenses which have no mirrorless equivalent, on 4/3 you'd need an F1.4 zoom to match that and F2 on APS-C which don't exist. People frequently forget when comparing lenses that the apertures are not equivalent so while the Panasonic 12-35mm F2.8 looks like it's equivalent to the Nikon 24-70mm and therefore far more compact but the Panasonic lens is equivalently F5.6 and therefore much dimmer.Therefore if you need the big F2.8 lenses on a FF camera then a smaller sensor setup isn't going to be an option.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not about your family but if you are, that's a unique problem for you and not an issue I have.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:59
Oh gosh not that again with M43. I’m sorry but f2.8 still is f2.8 there is no other way around it.
And as I said, not an issue until I changed and they became honest.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:03:59
Comparing f2.8 on different formats is actually more complex than it seems. In terms of exposure settings f2.8 is the same on all formats, therefore if your exposure is 1/1000 f2.8 ISO 200 on m4/3 it will be 1/1000 f2.8 ISO 200 on FF (in theory and assuming the cameras meter the same). However, in terms of total light gathering then the FF camera will gather 4 times more light and hence why FF cameras handle noise better.
Of course then comes the whole DOF/FOV issue, but this isn't really down to the aperture of the lens and due to focal length and subject distances due to the crop factor.
That being said, I'm happy enough to compare say my 12-40mm f2.8 Olympus to my 24-70mm f2.8 Nikon, it's a close enough comparison for me. Both are excellent lenses and both have their pros and cons.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:00
D750 with the 24-120 as a walkabout lens isn't too big, bulky or heavy. Although I'll happily walk around all day with the 150-600, so may not be the best to judge that!It gives me much better low light performance than my Olly with the Panasonic 25 1.7. As much as I love my Olly, it's my go to setup where DSLRs aren't allowed and serves me very well, it just can't compete with the D750 for image quality.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:01
Yeah I"m happy enough to walk around all day with the 24-120mm or 24-70mm f2.8 on the D750/D850 using a sling strap, but I do prefer the Olly for travel. I'm just lucky that I can run two systems 
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:02
The street sweeper used to be my go to lens...definitely more compact than a combination of 24-70 and 70-120 which I also had for my Nikon. But also lacking in light gathering, focus speed and so so so much bigger than an M43 setup.
And sure a dSLR with fast glass will definitely give better results, no argument about that. But it comes at a cost. Heck my medium format camera gives an even better result, and again it comes at a cost.
Ultimately it all depends on the use you have in mind.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:03
For the OP, if still looking for a cam, may I suggest the new Panasonic gx9.
Nice little shooter with a good sensor, small form and good versatility. Cheap and they sell a nifty little and light grip which improves handling no end. I have big hands. Good lens choice.
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:03
Thanks. I did used to have a GX7, before my E-M5ii and I really liked that. It was a great little camera but I did find it a bit too small, and much preferred the slightly larger OMD afterwards, which also had more control/dials etc for quicker altering of settings which was much better for me. I’ll take a look at the GX9 and see how it differs. At the moment I’m just saving up and waiting for a bit longer, to probably get a D750 again before my next holiday lol
Publish time 2-12-2019 07:04:04
IBIS is very useful if you are using 3rd party and/or vintage glass