mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:15

I hear you. When I had the 7D I bought two cheap lenses and that was for a while. Even went on a couple of photography courses. But I simply really enjoy taking photographs which I view very much like golf, all it takes is 2 good shots in 100 and it's enough to keep you coming back

Re the cost, I'm a man of few vices with a father who drilled into him at an early age "buy right, buy once" ... Except as we all know with tech the 2017 version is "buy right and keep updating every 3 years"

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:16

Will take a look at those lenses you recommend snerkler. Are there companies that hire out? Just thinking for the outlay would be great to rent 10 over a week then make a decision

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:17

Ahh right, sorry didn't realise you'd have a DSLR before, just you said you were a Newbie and had an RX100 

But yes, I learnt the hard way. Bought more budget to be sensible and lost money when I sold to buy what I should have done in the first place //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:17

Have you seen how much lenses are to hire for a week? You'll be talking £100for most

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:18

Aye carumba. Will rely on research and this forum then!

Seen some odd quotes on the D850 pricing... Usd3300 and £3500....surely if USD correct then UK price should be around £2600

sounddog Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:19

You’re forgetting VAT.That accounts for an additional 20%. But yes Nikon are charging more for it in Europe than they are in USA.

Ali Raza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:19

I'll wait for those grey imports for £2000

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:20

Welcome to rip off Britain. You could actually order it from the states, pay all relevant taxes and imports and it'll still be a few hundred quid cheaper. Quite ridiculous really.

1080 jawbreaker Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:21

im still sat on the fence, but my arse is knacking. waiting for the Canon swiss army knife.    something like a 5dsr mk2 with 4k video and 50mp(ish) stills.

johnaalex Publish time 2-12-2019 06:58:22

Sorry Damien, but I'm not intending to sell my D810 just yet.
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