mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:03

Gotcha, good to know. Think I will have to bite the bullet and pay up.

Had one more item to add to the list, Sigma 35mm art lens, anyone have any experience with it, reviews look amazing

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:04

People on TP rave about the 35mm art. In fact all the art lenses.

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:05

Cheers. Decided that given there is no bulk buying discount I cut out the macro related products from the order. Getting rest ordered today which I suspect could take 1-2 weeks delivery.... Although at this rate I'm fully expecting a X, Y and Z are out of stock

Oztig Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:06

If you haven't put the order in yet it might be worth considering other countries.

I looked at D850 prices in Switzerland and it seems they're around 830 GBP cheaper than the UK NIKON D850 Body (VBA520AE) - Toppreise.ch Preisvergleich Schweiz

Not sure about your tax/duty implications of buying/importing from Switzerland.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:07

I would imagine as they're not part of the EU you have the same import implications as that importing from other countries such as the US, so I would imagine 20% tax. On top of that you'll have no warranty (unless you send it back to Switzerland) as Nikon don't provide worldwide warranty.

sounddog Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:07

Presumably you might struggle claiming cash back if you don’t have a US address?And Nikon UK (IIRC) send you a pre-paid “credit” card... which might not work abroad.

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:08

Latest struggle for me is the US retailers are claiming they can't send the D850 out the country yet if it ships inside it picks up US sales tax.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:08

Yeah, I didn't mean buy from the US and then claim cash back in the UK 

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:09

A while back the Gadget Show did one of their shopping challenges.One of the things they did was Jon Bentley went electronics shopping in Switzerland as the VAT and import was favourable.He was doing it in person.I have to assume they wouldn't advocate any illegal tax dodging on national telly.
Might be worth seeing if you can did it out or find advice online.
SleazyJet fly to Switzerland but buy a coffee and a donut and you've probably wiped out half your savings  

sounddog Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:10

From Government website...
Allowance for other goods
You can bring in other goods worth up to £390 (or up to £270 if you arrive by private plane or boat).​
If a single item’s worth more than your allowance you pay any duty or tax on its full value, not just the value above the allowance.​
If you go over your allowance
You pay Customs Duty on anything you bring in above your allowance. The rate:

is 2.5% for goods worth up to £630depends on the type of goods if they’re worth more than £630 - check by calling the VAT, Customs and Excise HelplineYou don’t pay Customs Duty if you owe less than £9.

You may also have to pay import VAT.​
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