sounddog Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:11

In other words you are struggling with your tax evasion?

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:12

Ha. No. My country of residence doesn't have any sales/import tax. Struggling to get it here above board at the RIGHT price.

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:12

All ordered at last. Not much in it price wise, both eventually agreed to export out the US but B&H couldn't send the battery and Adorama could so they won. Placed the order... Then just got an email... Half the items out of stock!

sounddog Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:14

According to a third shipment of D850 is being sent out to retailers in USA.It’s expected further shipments will be at about 2 weekly intervals so after that it’s 10th-15th October.I’m not sure if all preorders have been fulfilled yet though...

mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:15

Ah very good to know. I got away on 22nd October so that's my target date to have it by

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:16

Problems already.... Not good!


RajP Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:17

Darn it..decided to put my name on the list..

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:17

Nope, if you look into it properly you'll find that all these recent videos are saying is that 3D tracking AF is not as good as the D5, which really should come as no surprise. Plus, I'd be very surprised if many Nikon users actually use the 3D tracking as from my experience on the D750 and D500 it's the most unreliable tracking mode anyway. In that video Jared says he uses dynamic tracking rather than 3D and shows examples of how this nails just about every shot. I personally prefer single point AF-C or group AF, but whatever works best.

So basically people are saying that the most unreliable tracking mode (ime) is not quite as good as a £5.5k dedicated sports camera  However, if you stick to the tried and tested focus modes you'll be happy as Larry.

Another thing to bear in mind is that there were a couple of shots that were "just out", I bet if you viewed these on a 20-24mp camera you'd have said they were nailed. The 45.7mp sensor will exaggerate any hint of slight mid focus which probably would not be apparent on a lower MP camera.

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:17

I seen that video via Twitter without watching it... But now I have (got better signal outside the ward). And think his video is more click bait.

He could have titled better, bit misleading


mjward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:59:18

My saga continues, hopefully this is of help to others done the line.

Two emails from Adorama asking me to verify billing details. Understandable I guess given order value. But alas it was to tell me they don't accept credit cards for high value orders and I should do a wire transfer.

Despite explaining the zero buyers protection I get with wire transfer vs credit card (and ignoring any points benefit) the billing team were unmoved. I asked what value I could lower the order to so I could use a credit card and was told that information can't be shared.

I've cancelled the order, the hunt continues.
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