snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:51

Master of Photography Season 3 Starts Tomorrow

Looking forward to this starting again. OK it's not the best program on the planet and the judgescan be a bit pretentious but it's still good to watch imo.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:52

Yes I will be watching it too - interesting to watch but don't expect to learn much from it if it's anything like the last two series

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:53

Yeah I like it also but never ever agree with the final results and to honest some of the shots are pure pants!!My wife could do better with her phone.And I don't think many of the contestants think "Out the box!" enough............really.Just my opinion.I hope this time its better.


Faldrax Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:54

I'll be watching it, though I'm also unconvinced by the format (but do enjoy the show).

As already mentioned, the pretentious nature of the 'grumpy Italian' (who is happy to criticise, but I don't recall ever giving constructive criticism), but also the way that because it's an 'eliminate the worst' format you are better being mediocre (but not the worst) than generally good but having 1 bad week.

Oh, and the fact that if you do scrape through the first few shows then eventually figure out you need to follow the brief, this is counted as a positive (rather than someone who followed the brief throughout...).

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:55

Reminds me of a parable of an unwise shepard, who is happier for the return of the one lost sheep, than of the ninety nine that didn't run away in the first place.

I'll be watching from tonight as well but wish it wasn't one bad week and you're gone. I would prefer it if each contestants portfolio was updated with an overall score after each task, and the worst rated portfolio eliminated it's owner. That way an outstanding image would carry more weight that consistent mediocrity. Sure, they don't nail it every time, but it's more interesting watching someone capable of excellent photography occasionally missing than someone that you are certain will produce formulaic and average photography. YMMV.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:55

On the flip side to this you may have someone that produces the odd excellent image out of a load of crap ones and these can then go through to the next week. I don't think there's any completely fair way to judge tbh.

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:55

So regurgitating spag bol depicts
Naples! Sorry don’t get it!

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:56

I rarely get it tbh, like the examples they show from the award winning photographers, often I think what's so special about that.

Overall I liked the show, I find it really fascinating seeing other's ideas especially with stuff like this as I know I will never get the chance, or have the nerve to work with people like that.

I liked the Black Swan pic, except for the overexposed face. I liked the dancer stretching against the cage thing too, and also the reflection of the dancer shot although did prefer that prior to PP. I think the shot with the girl doing the splits on the wall with the castle in the background should have gone home, that's the kind of drivel I'd have come up with 

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:57

Yep agree with that.

I too try to use it as a learning medium, the scouser didn't take too well to the guests suggestion, stick with your gut instinct it's normally right!

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:54:59

I thought they were right to lose the woman who went.
From the outset (and I'm mindful of the show's editing, here), she'd thought, "Ah, I'm a dancer, I'm going to put myself in this along with (which turned out to be in front of) the ballerina".
Last season (I think) there was a girl who got herself into most of her photos, but that was her "thing" (her "authorship" I guess, to use their point last night). And she certainly didn't put herself over and above the main subject, like the woman in last night's show.
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