snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:33

It's a possibility, although I've not found one yet that look into this kind of thing tbh. I need to spend more time looking into it though 

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:34

Ah - sorry - I should've added that one aspect of each of the modules I studied was to look closely at the work of other photographers in that field.
I was really fortunate to have a tutor who encouraged us to visit galleries, exhibitions and study the work of lots of photographers - not just ones we already knew about/liked.
I probably learned more from doing that and looking at their compositions/lighting/viewpoints, etc than anything else.

Another option might be to look into the RPS. Lots of people don't like them as a body, but I was a member for several years - got my LRPS doing the C&G then went on to get my ARPS. Not cheap, but, again, I learned a lot and got to meet some really helpful people.

My (admittedly, limited) experience of camera clubs is that lots of time is spent comparing hardware (Canon v Nikon, etc), which you can get enough of here or on something like the TP forum.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:35

Thanks for the info, I'll certainly look into it.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:36

Agreed, looking at the technicalities of the images ie my most hated feedback comment “nice and sharp”. Yeah sure, perhaps, perhaps not. But that doesn’t tell a story at all. It is just a sharp photograph, still boring as.

Sorry rant over  and not directed at you, the comparing hardware thing just triggered that with me.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:36

I hear you, and that's my frustration. My pics are generally technically correct but boring.

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:37

Another very interesting episode.
Federica once again the strongest (no pun intended) photographer. The rest were very ordinary, IMO.
Really looking forward to next week's show - I've been a big fan of Sebastião Salgado's work for a long time, so very keen to hear his thoughts...

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:37

The combination of the works, the visual design of Federica was outstanding I thought.

But all of them were disappointing.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:38

The standard really is poor this year compared to previous years, even the basic technicalities are missing in some people’s work, and for me this is pretty unacceptable. Yes the odd mistake will happen, but for some it’s pretty consistent.

There were a couple of good shots this week but not one good series. There was a huge hint at how they should approach the task and what the judges were looking for but it appeared to fall on deaf ears.

Flint’s been disappointing, especially as he started so well. The English bloke gets the odd good shot, but on the whole is mediocre. The girl who left has been pretty poor all the way through. I don’t know why but the Italian (I think) grates on me (not the judge) and his work is a bit meh. Federica is the best imo, pretty much every week. I did like some of her shots (especially the one with the mask) but I still think she missed the brief.

All this being said I am enjoying the program, I’m enjoying the tasks, I just can’t believe these are the best candidates they had.

Faldrax Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:39

They need people who can submit a reasonable portfolio, but who are also available to step away from other commitments (such as their regular job) for however long it takes to film the series.

They also need to be able to speak reasonable English, and be 'presentable' for TV - both in appearance, but also attitude and demeanour - the prospective candidates need to be comfortable being filmed.

And once they've found people who fit that - it's then down to how they actually react when faced with the challenges. I would imagine they probably get the list down to 20 or so, and set a similar type of task to make the final selection from, but as we have seen, being good (or even OK) at one task, does not mean they will be OK with others.

Perhaps they should alter the format to make each judge be a mentor for some of the contestants, to help them improve as the show progresses...

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:40

Best show of the series so far (not that that's too big a claim) for me.

I thought the English guy was dead lucky to survive. The Italian guy seemed to produce exactly the type of content the judges said at the outset they weren't looking for (Don;t get me wrong, I thought his images were superb).

Federica again absolutely nailed it again for me. She's consistently on the money.

Flint's just plain weird, but definitely has his own style.

Just as I;d hoped, Salgado was superb - the best guest they've had in 3 series'. Gave great advice, really positive critiques and stood up to the judges to defend the advice he gave when the contestants took it. I've long been a fan of his work and it's so good that he lived up to my expectations.

Having said all that, I'm a bit done with the format now. They need to come up with something different for S4.
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