shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:26

Just me or does anyone else surprised that after having all those dirty looks and being ignored by the "Rich People" (possibly because he looked like a junkie looking for some cash for afix... ) he didn't just switch to a Food based "Greed Shot" ?

In general I think that with the Exception of one or two (only) the contestants this series are way below those on the first two series - crikey most don't even seem to know how to fit a lens hood on properly.... 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:27

Agreed, although I can't remember said food pic?

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:28

...that's because he obviously couldn't disassociate the concept of "Greed" from "Money".... 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:29

Ahh, I see what you meant now  I'm thinking Flint's shot from the first week would have made a good 'greed' pic 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:29

With all those bicycles out and about there weren’t enough corpulent people for that  But I’m sure you could have found a chap stuffing his face with a large sausage and sauerkraut, or one guy at a table with fifty beers, or as it is seven sins why not one girl with lots of guys or whatever combination.

The money shot was very very poor.

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:30

Last night's show was really interesting I thought.
The best theme so far this season and huge potential for some great documentary shots.
Definitely the right one won again, for me - if only for showing incredible inventiveness in making his own green "filter" for his flash from a Becks bottle 

Very interesting seeing Flint completely out of his comfort zone in having to communicate so closely with one person and clearly someone with a very strong personality.

I also thought the right one went again - I wondered if she was being a bit too relaxed and blasé as she'd done a similar project previously (a bit like the dancer in episode 1). I just think she chose the wrong 3 images - it looked like she had some much better shots that probably could've taken the no.1 slot this week.

I'm really enjoying this season - more than the previous ones.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:31

I thought this week had great potential and I thought there were a lot of good shots, however a lot of the good ones weren’t chosen.

I actually liked two of the English bloke’s shots but his series was let down by the middle pic. I thought the guest offered some good advice this week, interesting how they saw things. For example the English bloke’s one which included her father, I wouldn’t have picked up on the interaction with the camera rather than the daughter. I’d actually really like to study a photography degree or something to learn things like this. Also I might then understand these so called acclaimed shots that they use as examples rather than seeing them as something I’d chuck in the bin  (not all of course ). You never know, I might have some award winning shots in my trash 

I’m enjoying this series a lot too, although I have to say the togs aren’t as good this season imo in terms of grasping the theme and the end result. Also it’s amazing how many of the shots during the filming have really bad exposures. Maybe it’s those crappy Leica’s that can’t meter 

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:32

I can recommend a City & Guilds programme if there's one anywhere near you.

I studied around 7 modules over a 3-year period back in the '90s. I learned so much theory - composition, exposure, DOF, FOC, etc. Cut my teeth on film - developing & printing my own films and prints, but a lot of the theory still applies in the digital world.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:32

Thanks. It's not that side of photography that I want to learn tbh (except 'out of the box'/artistic composition) but more the interpretation of photography. How people see different things, what makes a good image vs a generic or picture postcard image. Why some of these I don't get are praised by the so called top dogs. Unfortunately for things like this I think you need to discuss them face to face, maybe in a group rather than home learning and I don't have time, nor can afford to take time off work to study 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:33

Perhaps a photography club is for you 
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