BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:16

Yep - great shot to win this week, IMO. I really like Flint's work in the first 3 episodes, but I think either of the 2 bottom ones could've gone.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:17

So I've finally got around to watching the landscape episode. Fantastic opportunity unfortunately not taken advantage of by some of the contestants. I liked a lot of the girl's mirror pics, I liked the ones that had reflections of the actual landscape rather than just light bouncing off it, although did like her final entry.

I like the Scouse girl but she has but in a couple of very weak shots now so think she deserved to go. I didn't like the guy's blurred pic, seen much better of this type of shot tbh. I like Flint's weirdness but think his posing this week was off.

I'll hopefully get to watch last night's later today.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:18

I'll keep quiet with my comments about this week, give @snerkler a chance to catch up without spoilers 

All I'm saying is that I really like what Federica is doing...and I got Flint totally, I quite like his work.

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:19

IMO Flint has shown the best work in that group by quite some margin. His approach is quite unpredictable as he shies away from literal interpretations of the theme (Unlike the woman who was given "wrath" and just went around asking people to look angry - how lazy is that?! I align wrath with revenge more than anger which has plenty of scope for more imaginative entry).

Found his entry this week to be very good, but also see why other people might not. If I was on the panel, the second worst image was "pride", didn't see that at all. Hopefully Flint doesn't suffer from "one crap week and you're out"! 

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:20

Good point - and initially he had, I thought, a great idea with the policeman stood in front of the tallest building, and then didn't use it!!!!!
He could fall into this trap, as is always the case with a "one-out-every-week" competition. But is does put a huge amount of thought and planning into his work.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:21

Well I'm all caught up now. Is it me, or do the contestants seem to be struggling more with the themes this series?

I liked the 'winning' photo this week, the only one that brought some real intrigue imo. I thought Flint was lucky, I get what he was trying to achieve but for me it just didn't work. If you did not know the theme and were asked to say what that photo represented I'm pretty sure no-one would say gluttony. Plus for me it wasn't a strong image as stand alone image. I think his previous weeks saved him tbh as I thought Paulo's was better, although again I'm not sure that it portrayed greed. It does make me think it's not one strike and out, maybe two strikes like the Liverpudlian lass, although for me Flint has now had two strikes in the past two weeks. Living on borrowed time imo, which is a shame as he started off so well.

Do you think the contestants have been scripted to go against the guest photographer's advice this year, are they doing it to be controversial, or just plain stupid? Mind you, taking heed of the guest's advice doesn't always help a la the Liverpudlian last week. Mind you, none of her images were any good last week imo.

I think the Italian girl (is it Francesca?) has been the strongest to date.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:22


Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:22

Totally agree, I though that “gay pride” with the tall building was a great photo.

Perhaps he thought it was too obvious.

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:24

Good point. Could be - he did have a very definite plan based on his research of using the building, then spotted the policeman. He'd made that image really quickly, so maybe he felt he was under pressure to fill the 4-hours. Me? I'd have canned the SD card and gone to the pub 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:55:25

Totally agree, I thought it was a winner.
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