GrahamC Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:43

Just ordered Nikon D3100 lens with 8GB class 6 memory card from £452 

Pirate!! Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:44


As many of you may know, Intro2020 is the UK's Tamron importer.They also import other items as well, but I didn't realise they had an evilBay shop.

Take a look.Some items are refurb/ex-demo with warranty, so worth adding to your evilBay vendors notification list.

intro2020 items - Get great deals on Tamron Lenses and Accessories, Lenses items on Shops!

nikonuser11 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:44

anyone know any snapfish or photobox codes for calendars? just about to put next years together and need to buy loads so any saving a blessing

Pirate!! Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:44

Go to TopCashBack, type in Photobox in the search box and look in the discount codes and deals box, click 'continue' and you'll see some codes listed.Otherwise try Quidco or just Google for Photobox discount codes.TCB are also doing a decent rabate as well for Photobox.

nikonuser11 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:44

Ta pirate, already using quidco but forgot about it...........again.I'll go thru them and get something back as their calendars are about £21 this year

Pirate!! Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:44

RedBubble or VistaPrint may be worth a look.I've created a few on RedBubble, though VistaPrintis very customisable as you can enter personal date and icons, but is smaller than the RB version which is a day/date only version.I bought my own RB version for 2010 and VistaPrint for 2011 for about £4.50 using my own images and dates.VP version is a fold out type, whereas RB is full size divided x2.

VP have a bunch of zero price codes and pay for postage only.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:45

I just look forward to the day when I feel I've enough "keepers" for a whole calendar....


Pirate!! Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:45

I'll sell you some 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:45

Yeah - noticed that on RB 

...maybe that's the way forward for me - sell the kitand start buying piccies 


windyfishface Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:45

Anyone got any deals on a Fuji HS10, was reading about a few sites not being very reliable.. so wondered if anyone could recommend somewhere please?

My mum is buying it for my dad, well i will be buying it on behalf of my mum for my dad 
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