Pirate!! Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:35

If you buy used from Amazon, it's around £79.00 or MPB http://www.mpbphotographic.co.uk/used-equipment/used-lenses/used-nikon-fit-lenses/nikon-af-50mm-f/1.8d-2/ or try a wanted ad on the Talkphotography website in the Nikon section.

Silent-Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:35

Just come back from a trip to the Lake District and on returning found the SD Card door on my D90 had broken in half.

Tried fixing it with no luck so does anyone know where I can purchase a new one in the UK (seen a few on ebay but all in USA or Canada)?

dudeonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:35

64 LED video / photography light

The reviews look promising, just ordered one..

twist Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:36

Wont the LEDs cast a very unflattering white light?

richard plumb Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:36

that was my initial thought. but they're clearly being sold as modelling lights. I suppose you can custom white balance to deal with the colour of the light, but you'd want some kind of diffuser on the front wouldn't you? (milk carton segment would probably do

dudeonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:36

I believe they are 5500K and as mentioned are targeted as a modelling light. Have a look at the reviews from some photographers..

Calzor Suzay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:36

This isn't the same one but gives you an idea of how you can use it.

twist Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:36

oooo thanks spod

In the review version: "The unit comes with 2 filters to match it to Tungsten / Incandescent light".

Guess could always make some up and stick it ontop of the version posted. May not be pretty but should be effective.

Calzor Suzay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:37

Don't forget the one in my link on the review is probably a slightly more professional version with the filters and dimming ability, also the the way it turns on 'dark' and then you can brighten it up, I guess if you're a tog in a church and need a localised boost of light last thing you want is blackpool illuminations as you fire it up, trouble is $400 is a lot more dosh 

twist Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:37

Yeah it is, spose youve got the 36 LED setting so not that bad. Heck, its £20!!
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