Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:41
Not really sure why Apple haven't allowed a watch face section to happen on the app store.... If the pre-set faces are the only ones that are going to be allowed, that is a shame.Developers could add some really nice designs.
Also, there seems to be an abundance of Apple Watch threads now open, any chance a Moderator could tidy up a bit?I must have clicked through 6 or 7 catching up this morning, it's a little crazy 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:41
I think Lee is filling the time waiting for his Watch by creating new threads!
Actually, this forum is less crazy than the iPhone forum after a launch.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:41
I counted 14 in the top half of the 'Wearables' forum!
Owners thread, battery stats, questions/problems and delivery/ordered threads are probably all that are needed?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:42
No we need an Apple Watch Sub directory which I've asked for 
I think all the threads are relevant to what's being posted and keeps everything separate, nothing worse trying to find answers trawling through loads of posts
I agree with Stiggy, it is still less crazy than when the new iPhones were released, maybe after the dust has settled a Mod can clean up 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:42
Got to be honest i agree with this. I can imagine post in the future for What's your fav watch face when they allow new ones to be created / Get your watch face out for the lads / Band swaps / etc
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:42
Cool, if they are going to create a sub-category that would be much better.Currently 14 threads within the 'wearables' category is just a bit messy! I have OCD, sorry 
A lot of excitement when a new product releases so its understandable, I was by no means moaning, was just a thought 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:42
Good article on that here:
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:43
Interesting read, and it makes sense I guess.I would rather better battery than colourful images displaying the time!
I followed a link on that page to a discussion on MacRumors regarding the fact 11 time faces were originally posted on the Apple site, yet only 9 were on the watch when released.The site has been updated to show 9.The other 2 were the Photo face and the Time-lapse face.Someone contacted Apple on chat and was told there are more faces not shown on the site that will be released after launch.So, who knows.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:43
Isn't that what the owners thread is for?
Not a problem if the thread opener updates the first post with FAQ's etc, too many thread syndrome going on at the moment...
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:10:43
It is in need of some consolidation I agree, @leebroath has requested the Apple Watch gets its own sub-category so hopefully it will get sorted soon 