chattoe Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:36

It's a great device as a laptop.

I bought it to replace my iPad and my MacBook. It had to replace my iPad first as that's what I use mostly unfortunately it didn't so I sent it back.

I'm sure you'll like it it's a great device.

chukwe Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:37

If it's not replacing the iPad and laptop, Why not but a laptop then.

Is it more portable than a super thin 13" - 14" laptop? The 12.3" screen size may not do it for me

gangzoom Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:38

It's much more versatile than a laptop, been able to use it without a physical keyboard, no worries about covering up cooling vents whilst it's on your lap, lighter weight, touch screen, and a stylus. Plus it plugs into our home 'dock' perfectly - 21 inch screen/USB hub/mouse-keyboard.

I've never seen a product like it. You can spec it up to a higher processor/storage than my 1 year old Retina MacBookPro, it makes my Pro is like a brick in comparison.

For me the screen size isn't a issue. When doing a long writing session even the Pro gets plugged into a monitor   keyboard. For just browsing the iPad screen is fine, so the Surface screen is more than good enough.

I'll see how my wife gets on with it, but if she likes it, I'll be tempted to ditch the my MacBookPro for one 

cabanatuan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:39

Get it to replace your MacBook mate. And keep the iPad. Nothing wrong with a surface pro 4 and a iPad together!Both would weigh far less then your current setup. I reckon you should hav the kept it and binned the MacBook

chattoe Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:40

I may do that in a few months when the problems have been sorted out

cabanatuan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:41


chattoe Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:41

I may do that in a few months when the problems have been sorted out

cabanatuan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:42


chukwe Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:42

One last issue for me is the reported battery life. I get around 13 hours from my Lenovo T440s as it has 2 battery with normal web browsing. A lot of people are reporting 4-5 hours on the SP4 which is small for a portable

Kwman Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:43

Are there going to be any Black Friday deals?
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