Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:23
I will be learning how to code soon, do you think that will be a problem for me or is this one of your bug bares
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:24
The SP4 native resolution is 2,736 x 1,824 and you can scale it to suit your eyes depending on the application. It's the real estate that makes a difference not the screen size. Fair enough if you find it too small and therefore uncomfortable but it certainly has a high enough resolution for writing code and of course you have the option of attaching it to an external screen or 2 if you really want to 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:25
It's not a bug and don't know if it may be a problem as I don't have and never use a surface before.
I've only used 14" and 15" laptop. I also want to know how it will look on an SP4 as JistinL pointed out that what matters is the real estate and not the screen size that matters.
I was just making you aware of this as you're going into programming.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:26
Ok, with a few days using the surface pro as my main laptop I've decided that it will be returned.
I don't feel at this time the product is for me. It certainly doesn't replace both my iPad and laptop into one device.
And as a laptop it just doesn't or isn't ready yet there are way too many bugs for me at this time. Battery life isn't great I still get display crashes and that popping sound from the speaker hasn't fixed its self with all the recent updates.
After more thought It's a lot of money to part with a product that doesn't do what I wanted it to set out to do in the first place and that isn't the final finished product it should be.
So for now at least I will stick with my MacBook and iPad.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:27
That's a shame mate. Can you please list all the bugs please?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:27
Battery life is awful especially in sleep mode
Random shut downs and freezes
Display driver issues
Popping sound from speakers
Keyboard disconnecting
I can't understand why they would release a unfinished product I reinstalled Windows twice and I still have these problems.
Maybe in a a few months time it will be sorted but I'm not willing to wait that long especially as it's cost over a grand
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:27
Problem is it is using cutting edge technology with the latest Skylake chipsets. The drivers aren't mature and virtually everything you have described can be attributed to software. The same thing happens with Ipads/Macs/pc's/laptops of all makes just read their respective forums. I have no doubt these will be rectified over time with firmware and software patches.
My biggest problem with the Surface is it is supposed to be both a tablet and laptop, in reality it is a laptop that can become a tablet, however Microsoft's tablet infrastructure is awful and it is a total pain to use in tablet mode with the total lack of proper usable apps, I normally just end up using it in "windows" mode and on the train that is virtually unusable. Until the software catches up I find it far quicker and easier using my proper tablet while travelling, and now with Office 365 apps being fully accessible on the Ipad it allows me to get basic work done if I need to. The Surface I am just using as my current laptop although I also have a Dell XPS13 Skylake, I just need to decide between the 2 and if I can make the Ipad work for me.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:28
Totally agree
How is the dell?? This is an option
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:29
The SP4 is off my list at the moment based chattoe's issues and the screen size.
I don't think I can cope with 12.3in. The screen size look tiny compared to the iPad Pro.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:00:29
How do you find the iPad pro looks massive and too big to be handling just for media consumption etc.
I think I'll be upgrading my air to an air 2 though