Jamezinho Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:42

Well yeah, both! I'm thinking about people with young kids, that kind of thing.

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:43

One of the funniest things someone said (cant remember where it was) was that you could have a really awesome session only to finish, take your headset off to find you've been burgled 

Doom 3 BFG was removed from the deal...even though I dont think it was ever properly explained, it seems it may have been because Oculus had to change the screen at the last minute and ID either weren't happy or had maybe already done the game for the original screens (PPI are different)

There's already lots of fun content, few games and some top titles that are working with 3rd party 3D drivers already...and rFactor is said to work with Vorpx when it releases, so I assume things like FTrucks and GSC aswell. Also, ISI, WMD and Simbin all have kits now 

Sebastalona Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:44

Definitely a toy to use when everyone is is tucked up in bed!

Sebastalona Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:44

Do you get to upgrade it when the retail versions are released?

The key for me would be ease of set-up. If I can plug it in, launch a game and just play then that's the wee fella for me!

Jamezinho Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:44

This would come into it's own with the likes of rFactor. But going back to my earlier point, not being able to see the wheel you're using (and all the buttons/keyboard) could be a problem.

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:45

They gave us an option to have a $25 steam or oculus store credit 
It is a plug n play unit as techincally it's just a monitor.

This is a big area for debate and no one can really comment until someone that plays racers actually has a go and no one seems to have really tried anything yet 
Gameswise a majority of early rift buyers seem to be into either shooters or things like Skyrim. Some people have messed around with DiRT2 but as it doesn't have proper headtracking and not a great cockpit view anyway it's a bit hit 'n' miss.

As soon as I get it I'll be one it big time and I'll be chasing up the developers with rifts to see if I can get beta code to try their games as well as hassle Vorpx for their drivers, which are said to work with rFactor already.

Jamezinho Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:46

Get on the ISI forums mate. Let them know you can help.

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:48

I'll be all over them 

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:49

Happy Oculus Rift day to me //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
..and to make it sweeter the girlfriend is away from tonight for 4 days 

Moolers Publish time 2-12-2019 05:29:50

Congrats Steve, have fun, and let us know what you think!!
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