museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:20

No mate, you can jump in and do a test flight. In the hangar when you have icons around the screen, on the bottom left there's a few icon above the pics of panes..mouse over them and one says Test Flight.

I haven't tried any positional with hydra but it's great to have plug n play. Just select Oculus tick box in prelaunch options and once you get in the plane it trips over to rift mode. I assume there's more work to come on it..but it feels good 
I'm using a 360 pad for now until I get used to it.

hopeless Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:21

Oculus Rift goes HD: our first look at virtual reality, and virtual cinema, in 1080p | The Verge

Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:21

Oh my word....

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:22

HD rift is such a tease  but very exciting.

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:23

Did you give it a go mate?

I posted this on War Thunder oculus thread after my first playtest 

The good:-

It's an amazing experience once you pop up in the cockpit. Suddenly everything is 3d and what seems to be life side and to scale. Starting off in a bi-plane I look left with the lag free headtracking and see my wings that appear to be maybe 15ft-20ft long stretching out into the world around me, it's very surreal.

If I look down I can see my body and my hands on the's very freaky at first but after a matter minutes it just felt so natural.

Flyers have to be among the best experiences for VR IMO, the opportunity of banking and being able to properly look all around you at the same time with a complete 360 freedom is perfect. Hearing the clack of rounds hitting my aircraft I half turn my body and look over my shoulder to see an enemy right on my's just so exciting.

I found myself flying with confidence almost immediately, I never felt disorientated at all. I was only using a 360 pad but I have an X52 which I plan to hook up soon enough.

The not so good:-

It's early days. There's plenty missing. Couldn't see any obvious options for any kind of adjustments. I'm not sure if the cockpit felt overly large, not having been in a bi-plane since the war 

There's no on-screen radar, which I assume there should be (this is my first play so haven't actually seen it in 2D).

The view did drift, sometimes a lot and there was no obvious way to re-centre.

There's no positional tracking yet but maybe able to use the hydra/opentrack option (haven't looked into it yet)

Naturally the resolution is low but you seem to see beyond that almost immediately. I found it hard to tell the diference between allies and enemies unless they were shown with markers (something else I need to research as when I started a battle no one seem to have red or blue markers, but sometimes if I respawned everyone had markers)

Now after all that, I really need to take some time to understand the actual game and various modes etc.

Nemesis X2 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:23

The more i read about the RIft, the more i like the sound of it.... can't come soon enough.

Assuming late 2014 for any retail version, what do people anticipate the price point to be.... £200, £300, £400....???

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:24

I'm pretty sure they've always hinted they wanted it the same or less than the dev kit..which was $300

Synchronicity Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:25

Awesome , I knew WT would be perfect for the rift 

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:25

I'm still waiting for a good solution for a racer on the rift but it cant be far away..
This makes the wait harder

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:25

I see they are shipping more pre-production kits out in August.Will these be the 1080p kits that have been touted or the lower res ones?I'm very, very tempted to hop on board.It's been quite some years since gaming has taken a huge leap forward like this.Everything has just been slightly faster, slightly shinier for so long now.I can't tell you how excited I am by the future possibilities of this (and similar) gizmo(z).
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