Chuck Norris Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:25

They'll be the lower res ones I'd imagine as the HD version has only just been put together.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:26

Ah, thanks for that.I don't think the lower res is gonna be suitable for my needs.I'll have to hold off for a while longer then.

Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:27

They literally just got the prototype together in time for E3 I think, so no doubt it's a way off.Appparently the HD version was stunning though wasn't it?

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:28

From what I've read, yes.It went down an absolute storm.With lots of the big boys coming forward now and getting behind them I just hope this thing can steam roller its way forward to a speedy retail release.

Nemesis X2 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:29

Indeed mate.

The timing is perfect also with the new consoles being released. The emergence of the Rift would really allow gaming to go to another level.

Also the fact huge developers are really into it in a big way, such as Valve, Epic etc, I think the potential future is massive.

Also another benefit is because it's something relatively small, I would be able to purchase on the quiet and the wife need never know.  Unlike a new console which is rather hard to buy covertly.

Cha1ky Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:29

I know one of the Sony head honchos really likes the rift and there might be a possibility of it coming to the PS4 so could be one to keep an eye on.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:30:29

She's in for a hell of a shock when she stumbles in on you dressed as a blind scuba diver.That's some fetish to explain away 
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