EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:57

Full 3d, not real 3d.

3D is a continuum not an on/off. Stuff on a normal screen isn't just flatland but does give some sense of 3d through perspective and some motion parallax (stuff moves at different rates depending on distance as you move the viewpoint).

Stereoscopic systems like the current '3d' screens and, I presume, the Occulus, add another layer by giving us binocular vision - a different image to each eye which further improves the sense of 3d.

However, there are still cues that we normally use for depth perception missing from those systems such as convergence and the ability to focus at different depths, hence my comment about 'Full' 3D but being here yet (bring on the eye tracking!)

Does the occulus improve the normal motion parallax? i.e. does it work for sideways motion of the head or just turning motion?

silentbob Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

I see, you're talking about focal length tracking and lateral movement tracking. The latter is nothing to do with 3D though, merely motion tracking, the former is some way off even for military application (and in truth matters suprisingly little in non AR applications like this).

OK, so at present, the developer units 'only' have 6DOF (degrees of freedom), this excludes lateral / positional tracking. This is the biggest missing component IMO, apart from the obvious panel resolution limitations, and Oculus (Palmer Luckey specifically) have pledged to address this for the consumer models.

To a certain extend, 3D is a distraction from the power of this HMD. Yes it offers better 3D clarity and separation than any consumer system out there (a lovely, clean and unobscured feed to each eye) - but even without 3D, the FOV of this unit plus the fantastically low tracking latency (still to be lowered for the consumer version) is still the most compelling aspect.

So yer, it's cool. 

Edit: For reference, the optics in the Rift allow your eyes to focus on infinity, and is therefore very comfortable for your eyes / brain.

AML Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

It's a nice idea, but my biggest problem with any device such as this, is that you can't see your own hands. You can't look down or to your sides to grab your pint glass or fag from the ashtray. If I need to press a particular key on the keyboard I need to see the kb.
If you're completely immersed in something it takes you away from reality. And when you have kids or other things to think about you can't affor to be too immersed. I'm lucky if I get 10 uninterrupted mins of game time. So I just don't see a headset like that being an option for everyone.
It does look awesome tho and would love to try it. But just try.

oasismark Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

Listening to the Gamesradar podcast they were on about this, main point was that it can induce some serious motion sickness.

As this 3d immersiveness is so good, its totally convincing the brain that its moving jumping etc. and causing sickness, 1 person finishing a game drenched in sweat. Sweating being the first signs of serious motion sickness.

majnu Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

I'm sure Sony were creating something like this years ago.

edit - no it was a 3d headset

bladedripper Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

Depends what he was watching and if he was unfit......

silentbob Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:58

The sickness is caused by the lack of positional/lateral movement tracking. So when a player sways when playing (whilst standing for example) the disconnect of what your eyes see and your brain thinks (from information sent by your Semi-circular canal thingies) causes some confusion. The plan is apparently to have positional tracking for the consumer version when it appears.

However, those that have played it on multiple occasions for extended periods claim your brain quite quickly adjusts to the sensations. By definition, the latest spate of Journos claiming sickness played it for short periods of time and only once.

Absolutely a problems they need to tackle though. It does mean one thing though, the effect must be admn convincing for this to be a problem. 

silentbob Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:59

It's odd though, up until the recent showings at Pax Prime, reports of this kind of sickness were minimal. I think now they've had a chance to get more people to try a demo, this is now coming to light.

museumsteve Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:59

After reading an article on MCV..Perhaps Sony may be about to show their own VR headset...You'd assume it's based around the headset they released recently.
Here's a clip to a promo vid..and it's to be shown at TGS

However, this is Sony so I half expect it to be a PS3 add-on and only support 1 or two games 

I remember having a PS2 headset with headtracking that only worked with 2 taito flying games that recall...but it was a brilliant experience.

silentbob Publish time 2-12-2019 05:28:59

Hmm, are you sure this isn't just the 2nd revision of the HMZ? The Facebook page cites it as a 'Personal 3D Viewer'.

Anyone that can read Japanese care to clear that up?
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