Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:46

Yeah, no need to buy that dodgy RiftS. Buy Quest and get free mobile VR. Lenovo, youre fired.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:46

Some times I think companies are making VR stuff for the sake of it not because anyone wants it lol. That goes for all VR companies not just Oculus/FB.

Instead of a real tour of the Factory you get a virtual Tour instead. I mean I'd rather have the real Tour. Dont replace real life with VR if you dont have too.

huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:46

The only problem I can see with the Quest PC link is the possible bandwidth limitations and the comfort issue a lot of people have with the Quest.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:46

Best news from oculus in a long long time. Dunno why they even bothered with rift S should have just gone with quest and replaced CV1 with it.

Not all perfect. Loss in refresh rate and would have liked more cameras on it but I just do not see why buy rift S now. In truth I will likely wait for quest 2 but I am proper happy with oculus link and their hand tracking (if it works,) has just out knuckled knuckles and there is no reason why it won't work with a hotas or wheel as well something which is combersome with any other controller.

(Almost,) all is forgiven from me for the rift S 

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:47

Lenovo must be royally f off!

Only reason for the ROFL-S now is the marginally better (but still p poor) refresh rate and it probably remains to be seen whether the USB can hold the charge of the Quest so you're not limited by battery life.

Hand tracking is interesting but without physical feedback it will feel weird interacting, I'm claiming it now so feel free to quote me in the future: hand tracking to interact with the gameworld will be less immersive than Knuckles. It will be cool for social communicating though.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:48

Did I not argue this on the Oculus Forum? Lol it finally came true. CV2 was Quest.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:49

Quest killed Xaomi GO and now Lenovo RiftS.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:50

Jesus this crowds enuthusiam died.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:50

I hope they saved the best till last...

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:51

Even Pimax day was more exciting than this.
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