HP N36L/N40L/N54L Microserver Updated AHCI BIOS Support.
Title needs updating, this BIOS works on N36L/N40L/N54LAs we know, the HP Microsever only supports AHCI via the 4 internal drive bays and SATA connections 4/5 (Ports start from 0) are IDE mode.
There is a Russian BIOS floating around, but no one is really sure what exactly has been changed on this and also how up to date it is - This BIOS give the option to enable AHCI mode on those ports.
However personally with a device like a server, I wouldn't want to put anything on there that could compromise things and want to keep up to date with the BIOS Updates HP issue.
So I have been modifying my own BIOS files with official tools, I thought I would put a thread up here so I can share/discuss these files with everyone. I will also modify every update so we can keep this functionality.
I have stamped the BIOS files with revision information, including my forum name, which is displayed on POST so you know the BIOS you have has come from here/me.
Can a mod let me know if we can make this sticky and i'll update it with each revision, is there facility to upload the BIOS file here? its 2.0mb. If not what websites are permitted on here that I can upload the file to?
Updated BIOS
Added FAN Option (Not sure what this does exactly, but have a play)
Simplified AHCI/IDE Setting:
Removed - AHCI Menu for configuration/drive status
- IDE Menu configuration/drive status
Microserver AHCI BIOS O41072911
- AHCI Support for SATA ports 4/5 (Ports start at 0)
- AHCI Menu for configuration/drive status
- IDE Menu configuration/drive status (for those who use IDE mode)
Changed to easy installation method,
Unrar file, put USB stick in to PC, within that folder double click on RunMe. Follow instructions on screen, then exit and put the USB stick in the Microserver and reboot to update BIOS.
Working on newer version of Bios, will post soon. Mediafire would be fine IMHO @TheBay: Link? I'm waiting on a Mod to get back to me before I post any links on here, as I don't know what sites are permitted. Use any doesn't matter. *updated and removed link*
- AHCI Support for SATA ports 4/5 (Ports start at 0)
- AHCI Menu for configuration/drive status
- IDE Menu configuration/drive status (for those who use IDE mode)
Enjoy. I mean absolutely no disrespect by this but I'm a little nervous about flashing someone else bios image but I figure I do want AHCI for SATA 4 & 5.
Has anyone else flashed this yet and can confirm it working? I will and let you know, ok? Thanks but it doesnt matter now, decided to man up and flash it anyway.
Seems to be working thanks OP  You also mentioned memory timings and possible over clock options?