Tidy_Sammy Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:47

Hi guys, just got my server still new to all this, do I just put this on the thumb drive and boot off it? Thanks.

Edit - Oops just seen there's a .txt file, will follow that!

Double edit - Not having any luck, does this work on 64-bit W7 install? I install the HP program, it tells me it's installed incorrectly, I run the USB tool thing and it formats it and seems to copy my download folder over to the thumb drive? :/

Tried again and it did over-write the file, but when I try to boot from it I get same error, a bunch of 'illegal partition table - drive 01 02 03 sector 0' and then command or filename not recognised.

RXP Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:47

Can you use the remote access card with this custom firmware?

Tidy_Sammy Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:47

Can anyone confirm that the HP bios this bios patch are both doable on a 64-bit W7 install, as I'm getting nowhere, do I need a 32-bit installation to do it? Thanks.

xerces8 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:47

Yes it works. I just did it on Windows 7 64 bit. (I left the HP BIOS image on it. For using the patched BIOS, one just has to replace the ROM file on the USB key)

I can send you the final image (if you know how to write it to an USB key).

Tidy_Sammy Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:48

Yes please mate that would be great! 

xerces8 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:48

It is 1.3 MB (ZIP file).
Where should I put it? (the forum allows only 100KB big ZIP files to be attached)

Can you write an image to a disk?
Windows or Linux?

demetris Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:48

Will this bios work on Microserver Model N40L with the new Turion 1.5Mhz CPU?
Answering my own question it does 
I flashed it anyway and it worked.
So now i can use 6 hdd 5 internal and 1 esata right?

RustySpoons Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:48

Updated BIOS file.

See first post for info.

Benoe Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:48

Do you have more details about why AHCI/IDE setting is simplified now? Was it complicated before?
Or should I just see it myself? 

Do you see any chance for faster boot/suspend now?

steinercat Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:49

thanks for the mod!

Just wanted to clarify.

Can you update the BIOS, with WHS2011 already installed?

Or will flashing mess up existing drive configuration.

I am actually running the modded Russion BIOS, but wanted to flash to the version you have modded.
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