Mysteron17 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:45

I must be missing something because I can't find an answer in parts 1, 2 or 3 of the thread or on other threads I've looked at?
Lots of talk about flashing prior to a build but not on the effect after the whole thing's been setup.
Basically I don't want to flash the BIOS and then see the data disappear as it's using a different mode or something. Hope you get what I mean. Thx.

Benoe Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:45

I know what you mean, but unfortunately I don't know the answer.
That's why I suggested to ask the same question there, or even in a win-related topic.

mr-b Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:45

I flashed my existing Win7 system using the previously available modded BIOS i.e. not the one in this thread. Then in the BIOS I changed the Onchip SATA config "SATA IDE combined mode" from Enabled to Disabled.
All the drives then displayed as SATA on boot-up, but Windows failed to load with "Error loading OS" - I guess because it needs different drivers. I tried running Windows Startup Repair but it wasn't able to fix the issue. I'm sure there's a way of solving this, but I recall someone saying that the speed difference was negligible so I never pursued it.

theronkinator Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:45

There's a fix to get around it with windows to avoid the BSOD, I don't know about in other OSes though.

GUIDE - Enabling AHCI mode AFTER Windows 7 Installation - Forums

rozza38 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:45

many thanks for this bios - flashed onto mine today - now installing WHS11 on the included 250gb which is now connected to the internal sata port.

djcla Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:46

Being able to slow he fan down would be amazing addition for me its far too loud 

RustySpoons Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:46

This is interesting, my fan is silent and other's have silent fans too, however there are some reports of loud fans as well!

I can enable a menu option to turn off Fan control, but I think that may run it at full speed.. If that is the case you might be able to fit a Fan with it's own speed control or a slower fan.

mr-b Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:46

The stock fan is pretty quiet already (but def not silent) so any loud ones might be faulty.

Any form of extra fan control would be very useful though. There's some info on replacing the main fan at HP Proliant MicroServer |

MonkeyJug Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:46

could someone upload the bios again?the link is dead for me... not working at all actually...


edit: working now...

xerces8 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:37:47

In any case, you can switch the BIOS option back to IDE (or even reflash the original BIOS).

Did the tip from Guru3D work?

If you already have the other hard drives in AHCI mode, then it should just work.

If not,you can read this here, if it helps:
How to install AMD RAID driver after Windows installation - Super User
(it is about installing RAID drivers after switching from AHCI mode to RAID, but switching from IDE to AHCI should work the same way, just use the proper driver)
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