Silverblack Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:37

Hi andy sorry to hear that your still waitingfor yours, i'm sure it will feel well worth the wait when it does;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

tonywalk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:38

Cheers Mark. I'm going black all over - the back had to be black coz of where the TV is going. However, they're going to try something for me and swap out the front speaker grille for an orange one.

tonywalk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:38

Hi Andy, I've ordered through the Loewe Galerie in Manchester and they reckon that my set will be with me later this week. I'd get onto your dealer and see if they're ordering direct from Loewe or waiting for sets to come through a distribution channel. If the former then I hope I'm not going to get stuck in a queue.

Hope it arrives for you soon,

tonywalk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:39

I seem to remember reading somewhere that they calibrate each set before letting them out of the door. However, I'm a very old hand at calibrating sets by eye since a TV repairer completely screwed our Dynatron 26" Mullard tubed monster in about 1978 - think I was 11. That set had all the colour/picture adjustment pots under a panel below the screen. Got it somewhat back to where it had been.

God rest the Mullard cathode ray tube and all the manufacturers who sailed in her.

Silverblack Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:39

Yeah for this range and future loewe tvs they are calibrated at the factory i'm actually excited for you because the picture this tv is capable of showing is truly amazing especially on blurays and dvds and a very watchable picture in sd. Hd channels from the built in tuner is breathtaking too.

It will be good to hear what another owner thinks. As you have seen in my photos i went for all black too just because of personal taste and i think that with the lighter colours i would be a bit scared of dirt and discolouring on the fabric speaker fret over time, so i went for the safer bet with black although i do like the black and orange and white and black.

I was surprised how quick mine was delivered to my local loewe galerie i swear it was within a week.

Iv'e been drooling at the new loewe reference ID tvs which will be coming out at the end of this year they look amazing with so many different options they were displayed at this years IFA in berlin and they just look incredible.

Etuga Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:40


No regrets regarding the new released Philips models? Since I found out about the Philips 6907, I am not so sure anymore about the Loewe...

I need to confess that it is a bit strange that there isn't any proper English review of the Loewe connect ID yet...

Anyway, if I end up going for the Loewe, I will definitely go for the white frame with the black speakers!!


tonywalk Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:40


Considering the total lack of Philips 6007/7007/8007 models inUK shops, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Silverblack Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:41

Nope i have absolutely no regrets in getting the loewe over the philips i will admit that before i got the loewe i actually brought a philips 40pfl8606 for £950 but i didn't add it to any threads... i only had it for two days as i hated the sluggishness and the tv would freeze when you tried too exit the menu so that went back.

Other than that the look of the philips and build quality was very good and i liked the sheet of glass which covered the whole front of the tv.

The sound quality and picture quality was very good also but it doesn't have a patch on the loewe and you have to remember that the 8000 series use the perfect pixel processor which is better than the pixel plus and pixel precise processors.

The loewes image plus active processor inconjuction with the 200hz gives an image quality that i haven't seen before. And although the philips had the 28watt soundstage woofers under the stand it wasn't anywhere near the clarity and bass depth of the loewes 80watt speakers.

I also like the epg and the responsiveness of the remote on the loewe. I'm spoilt now and i'm really happy with my tv and i wouldn't trade it for anything else other than another loewe.

That new philips 6907 probably uses the pixel precise processor, and does look very nice. But it's always better to go with your gut feeling as you have too be happy with your buying decision.

It will be you and no one else viewing your tv so you have to be sure. I spent a fair bit on the loewe but took my time and compared it to many other screens and had many demos which then contributed to the purchase. It has so many positives picture, sound, build, and overall pride ofpurchase which makes it feel all the more sweeter.

There is a review or up coming review of this tv on which.

Regards markiedee.

Stumped Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:42

Markiedee what is your viewing distance for your 46" set?

Silverblack Publish time 1-12-2019 22:07:43

I'm no good with meters but on a guess i would say i sit 5 to 6 meters away from the screen. Some like too sit really close to there tvsbut i like a little distance myself sd looks really good and hd even better.
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